~Deep movie announcers voice~
"In a world, full of unmotivated people, Commitment has returned, to kick procrastination's butt, and whip those people into shape, in order bring peace to the minds of blog readers worldwide."
So, as I've said before I don't like commitment, because it has brought me to the place I was afraid it would bring me to. And now here I am Sunday night typing as cheesy a movie sequel tag-line that I can think of at 9:30. Which, if I was in charge of things, would be my bedtime. But I'm not. And commitment is sitting here forcing me to get to it.
I haven't "felt" like writing anything this weekend. Well, mostly just today. Yesterday I was legitimately busy, so I can skate by on that. But today, not as much. I had most of the afternoon available to do productive things, anything, and I didn't. So now it's past 9 at night, and I'm exhausted. But back to feelings. Last week I felt very motivated, very confidant, very energetic. And then I got drained all last week. And had a great day yesterday, but again, draining. So I don't feel like making an emotional and mentally demanding investment in something that, in the grand scheme of things, really isn't that important. Commitment however, told me to get my butt in this chair and start typing. So there you go, week one down. Not a very good post if you at me, but a post nonetheless. I'm going to bed now.
The tactics trap
6 hours ago
Great job following through!
I really enjoyed hanging out last weekend.
Thanks Step. Don't know if it's good or bad knowing somebody's keeping track, but I guess overall I appreciate it. And the comments. They are encouraging. I really enjoyed last weekend as well. Way too short though.
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