Do you remember when we used to fill the courtyard with our shouts and laughter? Our voices bouncing off the walls and bringing vibrant life to those bricks?
Do you remember when the waves came crashing in on us as loud as a seashell? The wind was howling around, and was so strong we could almost lean in without falling.
Do you remember when we stood in silence with no words to speak, as the snow shone brightly and sang an unheard tune louder than our voices or the waves could ever be? Our hearts joined in, speaking words our mouths could never produce.
Do you remember when I made you cry the first time? My pride demanding dominance over yours.
Do you remember when we drove in the desert for days? The A/C kept our feet freezing, while our heads kept dripping sweat. Do you remember how the car was almost too hot to touch when we stopped for gas?
Do you remember waiting in the airport in the middle of the night, both trying not to fall asleep for fear of missing our boarding?
Do you remember our last dance at our wedding? Surrounded by those who showed us they truly loved us by staying so late into the night. It was the last dance, but the beginning of us.
Do you remember the ride to the hospital? You kept screaming that you did not want our first child to be born in a car. I don't know how I kept the car on the road.
Do you remember the day I died? The police came to the door, and all you could do was stand in disbelief, sobbing in the cold air.
Do you remember my voice?
Do you remember my smell?
Do you remember what it felt like when our fingers were intertwined, my rough hands rubbing against your soft, smooth skin?
Do you remember how to love? Or to be loved?
Do you remember how to open your heart to others, to risk the pain for the joy?
The tactics trap
5 hours ago
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