I'm sorry, but Mark Driscoll has now become a somewhat large part of my life. Maybe significant would be a better word than large. Or influential. Anyway, I've downloaded several of his recent sermons onto my I-Pod and I was listening to one of these a few weeks ago. He had a couple of sermons on prayer, and he was talking about the Gethsemane prayer, where Jesus was like, "Listen, God, I REALLY don't want to do this. But not my will..." I was washing the dishes the other day (yes, I do that sometimes) and for some reason I started thinking about it. So here's where Driscoll's influence comes in. He pointed out that Jesus was in agony over what was about to happen. But probably not the reason we all think (excruciating physical and emotional pain) but instead about taking on the wrath of God. Whoa. For eternity He has been God, has been in relationship, has known nothing else, and now he's going to experience God the Father turning His back on Him and releasing all of His wrath. Whoa. That is mind-blowing. So Jesus is sweating blood because He cannot imagine, doesn't want to imagine being separated from God. That one kinda hit me strong. So for some reason, as I said, I was randomly thinking about that, and I started thinking about if there was something the Father wanted His Son to do, but His Son REALLY didn't want to do it, maybe that's ok to have that emotion. Maybe it's not necessarily a sin to not want to do what God wants us to do. But it really all comes down to, are you going to do it? I know that there has to be some sort of fine line in what's going on in your heart. I know there's a difference between, I don't want to do this, but I'm going to because I love you; and, I don't want to do this, but I'm going to do it because I want to prove how righteous I am, or something along those lines. It seems to me there has to be something going on in your heart, but what it all comes down to is, do you submit? Do you do His will? For some reason this is reassuring to me. I'll be honest, a lot of times I don't want to do whatever God's will is, mainly because I am stubborn and prideful. Anyway, my point was, that the main point is that we submit, even if we have a time of not wanting to, and maybe even if there is a large portion of us still not wanting to while we submit. But I also don't want to ignore the point Driscoll made: Jesus was sweating blood because He didn't want to be separated from His Father, even for a little bit.
Thoughts?...please! Am I off my rocker on this one? Does any of this make sense?
“I don’t care”
17 hours ago
Wow, so the closeness to which you are to the Father is linked to the extent to which you are willing to be separated from him... I'll be rubbing that over my brain for the next few days.
I'll have to catch up on that prayer series. I missed that one.
Keep washing those dishes.
Hey Andrew,
Whatcha been up to latley?
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