So I've started a blog. Hmmm... Not too pretty right now. Shows my lack of html editing skillz, and fuzzy memory of what little I knew before. Also, I'll be honest, I'm just not very creative.
So the title(s) of my blog are stolen from a genius songwriter, Mr. David Crowder. If you have never heard of him, or haven't listened to his album A Collision, you need to stop reading this and go and get it and start listening. It is the greatest album in the world, and if you disagree I.....will....fight you!
Anyway, I'm not sure what all I'm gonna do with this blog. My good buddy told me a should start one so that I could put up the notes I wrote down for a Mark Driscoll sermon. I think that's a good idea. So I'm probably going to put random thoughts up here, and copy random sermon notes that I have lying around. Maybe somebody else could get some use out of them. Anyway, enjoy. And comments would be greatly enjoyed by me.
Unless they're always mean.
The tactics trap
5 hours ago
oh man this is awsome! your bogging.
it is awesome that you're blogging, or as Eric calls it, "bogging." In honor of the blogging here is a wordle of your blog thus far:
I particularly enjoy the "Mmmmmm" in the bottom middle...
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